
Radiation Resistant Lubricating Oil and Greases

The world's highest radiation-resistant lubricants supporting advanced radiation sciences and decommissioning

MORESCO-HIRADs have been supporting lubrication of moving equipment in severe, high radiation environments, such as worldwide accelerators, radiation therapies, irradiation sterilizations, nuclear fusions, nuclear power plants, nuclear fuel reprocessing, and decommissioning with their outstanding radiation resistance, while contributing significantly to stable operations and longer maintenance cycles of equipment and facilities.

【Note】 Remarkable findings through irradiation to the radiation resistant greases/oils have been published as some literature in a joint academic studies with the European Accelerator Project.
(Literature 1)     (Literature 2)     (Literature 3)     (Literature 4)

Polyphenyl ether type

This type is suitable for use as the vacuum oil and gear oil in a particle accelerator, which is subjected to large amounts of radiation, and as the bearing oil in facilities such as 60Co gamma-ray radiation facilities and remote control equipment.

Product No. Dynamic viscosity
Flash point Appearance Product guide
RP-42 125 1.17 260 Colorless transparent
RP-42R 240 1.02 310 Colorless transparent
RP-42S 42 1.04 250 Colorless transparent

Radiation resistant grease

This is suitable for use as the lubricant in nuclear power related equipment such as on the seismic isolation devices for fast-breeder reactors and light-water reactors, in 60Co gamma-ray irradiation facilities, remote control equipment, electron accelerators, and reprocessing plants.

Product No. Consistency
Dropping point Oil separation
Product guide
RG-42-1 325 No. 1 consistency 300 or higher 4.0% or less
RG-42R-1 325 No. 1 consistency 300 or higher 4.0% or less
RG-42S-1 325 No. 1 consistency 300 or higher 4.0% or less