SocialQuality and Environmental Policy
Quality and Environmental Policy
As specialists in the interface science, we will strive to improve customer satisfaction by developing products that respond to customer feedback and providing products that can be used with peace of mind.
Furthermore, we will reduce the environmental impact of our business activities and contribute to protecting the global environment and the sustainable development of society.
1. Contribute to customer satisfaction
We will contribute to society through our corporate activities by providing products and services that earn the trust and satisfaction of our customers.
2. Improve productivity
We will aim to improve productivity by improving our business processes.
3. Comply with laws and regulations
We will comply with quality and environmental laws, regulations, and ordinances related to our business activities, as well as with laws and regulations required by society and our customers.
4. Reduce environmental impact
We will strive to improve environmental issues and prevent environmental pollution, will promote energy conservation and recycling, and will provide environmentally friendly products in our business activities.
5. Improve the effectiveness of quality and environmental management systems
We will continuously improve our quality and environmental initiatives in response to changes in the business environment.
Quality Assurance Activities
Production Technology Meetings
Production Technology Meetings are held with the aim of improving the level of quality assurance provided by each manufacturing department by sharing information about production technologies, quality problems, and other issues related to manufacturing departments.
Quality Meetings
Discussions regarding quality are held once a month in each manufacturing department as part of efforts to prevent customer complaints and recurrence of defects.
Internal Audits
The company's production activities of all divisions related to the product quality and services are subjected to an annual audit based on the ISO 9001 standard to address continuous improvements.
Compliance with Chemical
Laws and Regulations
We work to ensure legal compliance and observe the laws and regulations on chemicals which are becoming stricter in the global scale by establishing a specialized department.

MORESCO will utilize its quality management system (ISO9001) and its environmental management system (ISO14001) to strive to improve quality on an everyday basis.
Commercialization System
Commercialization System for Our Users and Society
MORESCO applies design reviews (DR) during the planning, development, and production stages of each product. In the 5 steps of DR including the start of development to the design assessment, trial assessment, and market assessment steps , we continue to exchange feedback at each step. By going through inspection processes such as this one, products with high reliability that match customer needs are created. We believe our meaning of existence is to contribute to society through these products.