
MORESCO Sustainability ManagementSDGs Initiatives and Materiality

SDGs Initiatives and Materiality

As part of our efforts to realize a sustainable society, MORESCO has promoted responses to environmental and social issues based on the materialities identified in fiscal 2021. In light of changes in our business environment and social demands, we have reviewed and revised our materialities for the first time in three years in line with the 10th Medium-Term Management Plan.
With this revision, we incorporated the concept of dynamic materiality, which states that the importance of sustainability issues changes with the passage of time and the external environment, and examined the priority of initiatives within our materialities from the perspective of their financial impact and importance as social issues.
We are also holding dialogues with internal and external stakeholders, conducting awareness surveys for directors and senior management, and holding discussions with business divisions and related departments, in order to reassess our priority issues and their importance, further contributing to achieving our sustainability goals.
The revised materialities will serve as an important guideline for achieving both "realization of a sustainable society" and "increasing added value of business." We will continue to implement concrete actions to steadily achieve results toward our "ideal state" in 2030.

Commercialization system for users and society Materiality Identification Process

Identification of Issues
  • In line with the 17 goals of the SDGs, an internal questionnaire was directed towards all employees and asked, "What can MORESCO do? What challenges do we face?"
  • A questionnaire was sent to external stakeholders* asking, "What should MORESCO focus on? What would you like to see from us?"
    * Customers, suppliers, shareholders with whom we do business, local governments, universities with which we collaborate, etc.
Selection of High-Priority Issues

Bearing the results of the STEP 1 questionnaires in mind, the positive and negative impacts on society and the environment throughout the value chain were discussed in each of the business, R&D, and corporate divisions, and issues that MORESCO should prioritize were selected.

Rating of Importance

Materiality is identified by evaluating the issues selected in STEP2 in terms of their importance to stakeholders including employees and to the MORESCO Group, based on quantitative and qualitative evaluations and opinions in STEP1 and STEP2 (decided with the approval of the Board of Directors).

Information Disclosure and Stakeholder Dialogue

We will strengthen and improve information disclosure related to sustainability on our website among other avenues, and enhance dialogue with various stakeholders based on disclosed information to simultaneously realize sustainable growth in corporate value and solutions to social issues.

We have mapped initiatives throughout the value chain that will lead to enhanced positive impacts on society and the environment while minimizing the negative impacts.

Initiatives Related to Internal Infrastructure

Strengthening corporate governance and compliance with laws and social ethics are prerequisites for corporate management.

* We will strengthen human capital through the cultivation and assignment of diverse human resources.

* The company is committed to realizing a work environment that is both physically and mentally fulfilling, as well as one that emphasizes human rights.

Initiatives Related to Business